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天津市泰达医院泌尿外科(天津市 300457)
目的:探讨在使用一次性包皮环切缝合器进行包皮环切术时使用复方利多卡因乳膏涂抹时间长短对麻醉效果的影响。方法:收集我院门诊 2013 年 5 月—2018 年 5 月行包皮环切手术患者 150 例,年龄分布在 15~42 岁之间,随机分成三组,每组 50 例,术前准备完善后使用复方利多卡因乳膏涂抹包皮并计时,分 A 组 10 min、B 组 20 min、C 组 30 min 均使用一次性包皮环切缝合器行包皮环切术,术后对术中疼痛评分、术后出现疼痛时间、术后并发症及患者满意度进行统计分析。结果:三组患者术中疼痛评分A组:(4.16±0.79),B组:(1.91±0.70),C组:(1.18±0.53),各组比较有显著性差异(P<0.05);术后出现疼痛时间分别为:A 组:(50.16±1.22) min,B 组:(60.00±1.11) min,C 组:(59.90±1.15) min,AB 及 AC 比较有显著性差异(P<0.05),BC 比较无统计学差异(P>0.05);术中追加麻药的比率三组分别为:38%、12%、6%,AB 及AC 比较有显著性差异(P<0.05),BC 比较无统计学差异(P>0.05);满意率分别为 A 组:60%,B 组:90%,C 组:96%,三组比较均有显著性差异(P<0.05);并发症比较在血肿及包皮术后瘀斑方面三组均有显著性差异(P<0.05)。结论:在使用一次性包皮环切缝合器做包皮环切术时使用复方利多卡因乳膏做表面麻醉是安全有效的,且随涂抹时间延长其麻醉效果好。
关键词:  复方利多卡因乳膏  一次性包皮环切缝合器  包皮过长  包茎
Study on Analgesic Effect of Compound Lidocaine Cream in Circumcision
CONG Gui-cheng,CUI Xiaojian,JIANG Liang-zhen
Department of Urology, Tianjin TEDA Hospital, Tianjin(300457),China
Objective To study the effect of Compound Lidocaine Cream on the anesthetic effect during circumcision with disposable circumcision stapler. Methods Totally 150 cases of outpatients (15–42 years old) undergoing circumcision surgery since May 2013—May 2018 were collected and randomly divided into three groups, 50 cases in each group. After the completion of preoperative preparation, the prepuce was smeared with Compound Lidocaine Cream and the time was counted. The patients were divided into three groups (group A for 10 min, group B for 20 min, group C for 30 min). All patients underwent circumcision with disposable circumcision stapler, and the postoperative pain score, postoperative pain time, postoperative complications and patient satisfaction were statistically analyzed. Results Intraoperative pain scores of patients in the three groups were (4.16±0.79) in group A, (1.91±0.70) in group B and (1.18±0.53) in group C. Postoperative pain time was as follows: group A: (50.16±1.22) min, group B: (60.00±1.11) min, group C: (59.90±1.15) min. The rates of intraoperative addition of anesthetic drugs in the three groups were 38%, 12% and 6%, with significant difference between AB and AC (P<0.05), and no statistical difference between BC (P>0.05). Satisfaction rate was 60% in group A, 90% in group B and 96% in group C, respectively. The complications of hematoma and prepuce ecchymosis were significantly different among the three groups (P<0.05). Conclusion It is safe and effective to use Compound Lidocaine Cream for surface anesthesia during circumcision with disposable circumcision suture device, and the anesthetic effect is good with the extension of application time.
Key words:  Compound Lidocaine Cream  disposable circumcision stapler  redundant prepuce  phimosis

