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东莞市人民医院肛肠科广东东莞 523000
目的:探讨促愈汤内服联合消肿止痛方熏洗坐浴对环状混合痔术后恢复情况的影响。方法:选择2018 年1 月—2019 年10 月我院收治的行混合痔切除术的环状混合痔患者160 例,按照不同治疗方式分为常规治疗组(A 组)、促愈汤内服治疗组(B 组)、消肿止痛方熏洗坐浴治疗组(C 组)、促愈汤内服联合消肿止痛方熏洗坐浴治疗组(D 组),每组40 例。比较患者术后1 d、7 d 和14 d 时的VAS 疼痛评分、水肿评分和创面愈合情况。比较各组症状缓解时间、总体疗效、患者满意度和不良反应发生情况。结果:D组7d 时VAS 疼痛评分、水肿评分、创面面积、创面出血评分、渗液评分分别为(0.86±0.26)分、(0.80±0.53)分、(2.06±0.56) cm2、(0.64±0.25)分、(0.28±0.07)分,14 d 时分别为(0.14±0.08)分、(0.32±0.08)分、(0.68±0.28) cm2、(0.33±0.10)分、(0.17±0.04)分,疼痛缓解时间、水肿消退时间、出血停止时间分别为(3.12±1.53) d、(3.84 ±1.15) d、(2.03±0.97) d,无不良反应,上述指标均显著低于A、B、C 组;D 组总有效率和综合满意度分别为98% 和100%,均显著高于A、B、C 组,差异有统计学意义(P <0.05)。结论:促愈汤内服联合消肿止痛方熏洗坐浴治疗减轻患者术后疼痛、水肿效果更好,且能缩短症状缓解时间并减少术后并发症,获得患者更高的满意度。
关键词:  促愈汤  消肿止痛方  熏洗坐浴  环状混合痔  疼痛  水肿  创面愈合
Effect of Cuyu Decoction Combined with Xiaozhong Zhitong Decoction on Postoperative Recovery of Annular Mixed Hemorrhoids
LIANG Jia-di,RU Xiao-bing,SU Jin-hua
Department of AnorectalSurgery, Dongguan People' s Hospital, Dongguan523000,China
Objective To investigate the effect of taking Cuyu Decoction orally with the swelling and pain relieving bath on the postoperative recovery of circular mixed hemorrhoids. Methods 160 patients with ringshaped mixed hemorrhoids who underwent elective mixed hemorrhoidectomy were divided into conventional treatment group (group A), Cuyu decoction internal treatment group (group B), Stomach and Pain Relief fumigation and bathing treatment group (C group), Cuyu Decoction oral administration combined with swelling and pain relieving bath treatment group (group D) according to different treatment methods,with 40 cases in each group. The visual analog scale (VAS) pain score, edema score and wound healing were compared at 1std, 7thd and 14thd after surgery. The symptom relief time, overall efficacy, patient satisfaction and adverse reactions were compared between groups. Results In group D, VAS pain score, edema score, wound area score, wound bleeding score and effusion score were (0.86±0.26), (0.80±0.53), (2.06±0.56) cm2, (0.64±0.25) and(0.28±0.07) points at 7thd, and (0.14±0.08), (0.32±0.08), (0.68±0.28) cm2, (0.33±0.10), (0.17±0.04) points at 14th d respectively. The pain relief time, edema resolution time and bleeding stop time were (3.12±1.53) d, (3.84 ±1.15) d and (2.03±0.97) d respectively. There were no adverse reactions in group D.The above indexes were significantly lower than those in group A, B and C. The total effective rate and comprehensive satisfaction degree in group D were 98% and 100%,which were significantly higher than those in groups A,B and C (P <0.05). Conclusion Cuyu Decoction orally taking combined with swelling and pain relieving bath treatment reduces the postoperative pain and edema more effectively, and it can shorten the time for symptom relief, reduce postoperative complications and achieve higher patient satisfaction.
Key words:  Cuyu Decoction  XiaozhongZhitong Recipe  fumigation bath  ring mixed hemorrhoids  pain  edema  wound Healing

