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三峡大学中医医院;宜昌市中医医院湖北宜昌 443000
目的:探讨肛肠病术后镇痛外用中药运用规律,为临床应用中药方剂提供依据和参考。方法:在中国知网数据库(CNKI)、中文生物医学文献数据库(CBM)等数据库中收集整理出外用中药治疗肛肠病术后疼痛的相关中医文献,建立肛肠病术后镇痛外用中药方剂数据库,并应用数据挖掘的相关理论和技术对其用药规律进行分析。结果:共收录方剂1 124首,涉及中药277味,其中出现频次较高的药物有黄柏、苦参、芒硝;所用药物的四气以寒、温、平为主,五味以苦、辛、甘为主,主要归肝、大肠、胃经;利用Apriori算法识别出39个核心药对和5个关联规则。应用聚类分析演化出3~5味药核心组合8个,新处方4首。结论:“不通则痛、不荣则痛”是疼痛的中医理论基础,临床以清热燥湿、凉血解毒、活血化瘀、祛风通络、补气养血法治疗肛肠病术后疼痛。临证时随病因病机不同灵活加减应用。
关键词:  数据挖掘  肛肠病  术后镇痛  用药规律
A Data Mining-based Analysis of Medication Rules in Treating Pain after Anorectal Surgery by External Chinese Medicine
WANG Si-qian,XIE Dong,CAI Yan
Anorectal Department, Yichang Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, Three Gorges University, Yichang 443000, China
Objective To investigate the rule of external application of traditional Chinese medicine for postoperative analgesia in anorectal disease, in order to provide evidence and references for the clinical application of herbs and formulae. Methods Collecting and sorting the information about the treatment of pain after anorectal surgery related to external Chinese medicine in Chinese medicine literatures on databases including Chinese National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI), and Chinese Biomedical Literature Database (CBM), establishing a database of external traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) prescriptions for postoperative analgesia in anorectal diseases, and finally applying the relevant theories and techniques of data mining to analyze the medication rules of it. Results A total of 1124 formulae and 277 herbs were included in this database. The high frequency herbs included Cortex Phellodendri (Huangbo), Sophora flavescens (Kushen) and Mirabilite (Mangxiao). The properties of the herbs were mainly cold, warm and mild. The tastes of the herbs were mainly bitter, pungent and sweet. These herbs meridian tropism mainly belong to the liver, large intestine and stomach meridians. 39 core drug pairs and 5 herb suits association rules are identified by Apriori. A total of 8 clustering formulae and 4 new prescriptions are summarized according to cluster analysis. Conclusion ”If there is no communication, there will be pain, and if there is no nutrition, then pain” is the theoretical basis of traditional Chinese medicine about pain. The postoperative pain of anorectal disease was treated by clearing heat and dryness, cooling blood and detoxification, promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, dispelling wind and dredging collaterals, replenishing qi and nourishing blood. The results of this study can provide a reference for clinical research and the development of new drugs. Keywords: Data mining; anorectal disease; postoperative analgesia; medication rule
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